Don’t be like a rabbit in headlights: 3 steps to help you navigate your big decision

“Wow, you’re so brave.”
“I could never do that.”
“What are you going to do now?”
These are just some of the things that people said to me when I told them I’d taken voluntary redundancy from my secure and successful corporate career.
And yet, to me, it seemed like the next logical step. I’d been working for the same company for too many years and it was time for me to spread my wings and do something different.
At the time, my daughter was just over 2 years old, my son was nearly 10 months old and I had no idea what I was going to do next!
What I did know was that I’d been handed a great opportunity. A chance to stop being swept along by life and actually decide what life was going to look like for me, and by default, my family too.
This was a big moment in my life. I’d reached a crossroads with so many options I was feeling overwhelmed and excited at the same time. For once, I had full control of this new chapter of my life.

The big question I needed to answer first was, what’s the first step?
I had no idea. No clue. Not even an inkling.
I know that how I was feeling is how so many people feel when one chapter of their life ends and another begins. Whether they’ve been made redundant, decided to retire or are a return to work mum, overwhelm can just smack you in the face and stop you in your tracks.
Life no longer looks how it used to, whether this is intentional or forced.
This can lead to a loss of identity, your confidence being knocked and you’re forever friend, your inner critic, reminding you how your life has taken a turn for the worse.
When in reality, you’ve just entered a temporary period of uncertainty and you just need to give yourself some space and time to decide what is next.
So let me help you with that.
Make peace with where you are
Before you can move forward, you need to acknowledge where you are right now. Whether you’re happy, sad or indifferent about your current situation, you are where you are. Fact. It’s not permanent.
However, before you can move forward you need to accept it.
There are several tools you can use, such as journaling, meditating or simply talking it out with a trusted friend, which will help you release any emotions that you’re holding onto so that you can accept your current circumstance.
Decide what to focus on
During these times, it’s easy to feel like life is out of balance and everything needs an overhaul. Which only adds to the overwhelm.
Instead, take one thing at a time. Decide which area of your life needs your focus first. Is it your career? Is it your finances? Is it your well-being? Or is it something else?
If you’re not sure where to start download my FREE Personal Life Assessment. In less than 10 minutes, you’ll know why life feels unfulfilled, the reason for it and the action you need to take to turn things around.
Just follow the link to download –
Visualise the best it could be
Taking that one area of your life that you want to focus on, give yourself the freedom to dream and visualise what it would look like without limitations. Be creative and allow your imagination to determine what could be possible.
Yes, this may feel scary, however, if you shoot for the stars you’ll certainly reach the moon. Take this time to allow yourself to aim high.
Wherever you find yourself as you’re reading this, know that you can turn it around. You can steer your life in the direction that you want it to go. You don’t have to be brave or have the answers right now.

You just need to accept where you are, decide what part of your life requires your attention and allow yourself to dream so that you can create a wonderful reality.
Do you feel ready to make that big decision?
You might also like to read, Only you can see your reality
Download your FREE Personal Life Assessment. It’s time to take stock of where you are and where you want to go. In less than 10 minutes, you’ll know why life feels unfulfilled, the reason for it and the action you need to take to turn things around.
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