Busy! The working mum’s guide to confidently walking life’s tightrope


If you’re ready to be the best you can be and live a happy and calm life, then it’s time to make some changes. I would like to help you get started. To be your guide on this part of your journey.

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Being a mum is tough. You’re so focused on helping everyone else that you forget to occasionally focus on yourself. Yes, you’re doing a great job but now it’s time to give yourself the same time and energy that you give everyone else.

It’s time to put yourself first. It’s not selfish and there’s no need to feel guilty.

If you’re ready to be the best you can be and live a happy and calm life, then it’s time to make some changes. I would like to help you get started. To be your guide on this part of your journey.

This book will walk you, step by step, back to being in control and putting yourself first. I will share with you my own journey of motherhood, transitioning from employment and creating a successful business that works within family life.

If you have a career or a business, perhaps you struggle with the daily juggle?

Perhaps you never get time for you?

Maybe you are asking, “Is this it?”

With my guidance, self reflection and a step by step plan, you too can create more balance and calm in your life!

“Maria is compassionate and caring. I went from no motivation, overwhelm and feeling useless to feeling like I could try again.”

Book reviews
‘I’m very much enjoying working through the book and the exercises it contains. It’s set out in a simple, easy to read and easy to follow style with blank pages for making notes as you respond to the simple, yet thought provoking questions in each chapter. I’m a great fan of keeping things simple and taking gentle steps towards our goals, and Maria’s book does exactly this. She’s also compassionate, while keeping the reader accountable. And she shares from personal experience’

‘Although the book was directed towards women I was interested to read the book as I knew Maria was a great example of how having a positive attitude and self belief had helped her and her clients walk life’s tightrope. I particularly liked the way in which Maria wrote the book. It was more like reading a novel. The storytelling was superb and mostly came from her own lived experience and showed emotional intelligence. Although the book was written with women in mind actually most people will learn many life lessons from reading this well-crafted book. I loved reading this book and couldn’t put it down. I guess you can tell I’m a bit of a fan.’

Video review of Busy! The working mum’s guide to confidently walking life’s tightrope Watch Now

Additional information


Discover Your Bounce Publishing (25 April 2022)




15.24 x 1.7 x 22.86 cm


267 pages

ISBN-10 : ‎




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