Why not start the New Year with a big fat YES
I can’t believe that we’re partway through December already. I mean where did this year go? It literally feels like January was only yesterday!
But what a year it’s been? Yes Covid is still with us, however, as a family we’ve found ways to manage and make the most of our reality. This is not unusual. Everyone will have decided what that looks like to them. The interesting thing for me is, we decide what our reality is based on how we choose to see things.
Let me explain.
We can see the challenges in our lives as restrictions, limitations and a reason to stand still and be stuck. Or we can choose to be curious and get creative and see them as opportunities.
At the beginning of the year, I thought I had a clear plan on what 2021 was going to look like. Well, I did have a plan. It’s just it ended up looking a little different.
For example. I’ve drafted my first book. I’ve become the leader of an awesome networking group. I’ve delivered 13 online workshops. I’ve coached some awesome people. And that’s just in business.
As 2021 comes to an end, my focus is now on making 2022 an outstanding year.
I’m starting to think about what I want 2022 to look like. I’m starting to dream about all the amazing things I want to happen. I’m starting to design the reality I want to be experiencing.
Yes I know this may sound a bit over the top but if I don’t decide then who will. I am definitely not giving that responsibility to someone else, after all is it my life. And I’m definitely not going with ‘que sera sera’.
You see, there are things I want to do in 2022 and it’s up to me to make them happen. My responsibility. But, and it’s a big but, I also know that I need to be detached from the outcome, which has been a big learning for me in the past.
I know if I am attached, then one of two things could happen. I start to negatively spin when things don’t go according to plan and Vera, my inner critic, is unleashed! Or even worse, the blinkers are on and I miss the awesomeness that comes with any redirection.
Now, I used to set myself New Year’s resolution. I think I did it as a way to have some kind of focus during the year and also an opportunity for self improvement. However, over the last couple of years, I’ve done something different.
Rather than looking at how I can improve my life, which is usually what resolutions are focused on, I’m using the New Year to decide what I want to happen in my life. There is a subtle difference. One is about taking what’s there and making it better. The other is about accepting what I have and thinking about what is possible and making that happen.
So I’ve done a bit of reflecting and this is what I want for 2022.
Enjoy your work
I can honestly say I love what I do. Yes it’s challenging. Yes I feel uncomfortable a lot of the time. Yes I’m always learning new things. But I get to decide what my day looks like and how I can best serve my clients.
So in 2022, I’m focusing on what makes me happy and gives my clients the best value plus I’ll be trying some new things too.
What will work look like for you?
Cherish your relationships
I know who matters in my life and it’s those people I want to be spending time with. Time is precious and no one should waste it, which is easily done.
So in 2022, my focus is to spend time and energy with the people in my life that energise me.
Who will you be spending time with?
See your money blossom
As a family, we have some big dreams for the future. I know that money doesn’t lead to happiness but we need it to realise these specific dreams. That’s why I’m planning to see my money blossom and grow.
So in 2022, my focus will be on finding ways to make my money go further.
How are you helping your money blossom?
Make wellbeing your priority
It took me a while to realise that I need to look after myself in the same way that I look after others. I shouldn’t be an afterthought. It’s not up to me to look after others first and then let it be my turn.
So in 2022, my focus remains on prioritising my wellbeing. Running, kickboxing, being outdoors, being mindful and taking proper breaks.
What will you do to make wellbeing your priority?
Inject fun into every moment
Life can be serious but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be fun too. It’s about finding joy in the moment. Doing one thing at one time. Letting go and having fun. In 2021, we settled into a nice routine that works for us as a family.
So in 2022, my focus will be to do less so I have more time for fun.
I invite you to take this time before the New Year to decide what you want. Take the time to really see what you appreciate in your life right now and bin what is not serving. Take the time to dream big and decide what you really want your life to look like. Take the time to reflect on who you are and who you want to become.
Then get ready to start the year with a big fat yes.
What will 2022 look like for you?
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