Who’s really holding you back?
It’s so easy to blame someone else for where you’re not or what you don’t have. If it’s someone else’s fault then we don’t have to take responsibility for what has happened.
The truth is, you are the reason why you are not where you want to be or why you don’t have what you want. Believe me when I say, we are in full control of our actions. How we choose to react to life and how we choose to move forward.
Just take a moment to think about it.
What do you want to be doing? Where do you want to be? What do you want to have?
Then be honest.
Instead of focusing on all the reasons why you’re not there focus on how you’re going to get there. This is more productive and is more likely to motivate you to do something. To take action. To move forward.
It’s time to take action
Taking action doesn’t mean you have to take massive leaps, unless you want to. It simply means making a start. Taking small manageable steps that lead you where you want to go. That helps you follow the path of your choice.
I honestly believe anything is possible. It just takes focus, courage, belief, drive and a little bit of imagination.
You may be thinking, Maria that simply isn’t true. If I’m 4 foot 11, there’s no way I can be a basketball player. You may be right. But if you love basketball, you may end up coaching a child who goes on to be a professional basketball player.
You see, what we do next is totally up to us. No other person can make us do what we don’t want. Whether you choose to believe it or not, you do have choices. You can make the decision to take action and move in the direction that you want or you can give up your power and get swept along with life.
Let’s look at it another way. Fast forward your life to your final breath. What would you want to be seeing when you look back on your life? What did you do? How did you feel? What did you experience?
Now come back to the present. Are you going to take action to make that a reality?
If you still need convincing, let me ask you this, what has this uncertain time taught you? For me, it’s life as we know it can change in an instant. Without warning. Without time to prepare.
Don’t wait for tomorrow
So knowing this, why wait until tomorrow when you can do something today. There is no point in waiting for tomorrow. Tomorrow may not be what we expect it to be. Or even worse it may never come.
Seize the day. Take action now. Because the only thing we truly know is in the here and now.
So next time you go to shift the blame for your situation at someone else’s door, take a step back. Take a breath and ask yourself ‘what can I do now that is right for me?’
Are you going to take action?
If you want to have a taster of what I do then why not sign up for my FREE 30 MINUTE ONLINE COURSE, How to put yourself first in 5 easy steps Just click the link to learn more. https://www.mummyonabreak.co.uk/how-to-put-yourself-first-in-5-easy-steps/
You might also like to read ‘Do you have courage?’
Or why not check out my YouTube channel for ‘5 tips to making more time’
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