My viewpoint: What’s the point of being a good role model?
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One thing that is really important to me, is to be a good role model to my kids. Not just because they’re my kids but I want to show them that I mean what I say. They are not empty words. Plus if I’m not a good example for them to follow I know they will look for it elsewhere and I have no idea where that path may take them.
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My viewpoint: Why is confidence not about being loud?
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One of the things we have control over is what we think of ourselves which in turn determines what we project to others. It’s these thoughts that either give us confidence or make us shy away. I believe that if we are confident in who we are on the inside then anything is possible. Today I want to focus on what it means to be comfortable in your own skin and why this is what confidence is about.
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My viewpoint: Why is being creative not about being an artist?
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Do you believe that creativity should be left to the artists? Being creative and allowing ourselves the time and space to express ourselves has so many benefits. Allowing ourselves to be free to create whatever we want is therapeutic. It’s a form of expression. It’s a way to unload all the burdens and stresses that weigh down on us. Today I want to focus on why we shouldn’t be scared to have a go. So today we’re going to talk about the benefits of creativity.
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My viewpoint: Why is it difficult to break a habit?
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I don’t need to tell you that a habit is something we do automatically. It’s something that we do without thinking. And it’s something that can happen subconsciously.
Good or bad, we all have habits.
Good or bad, there are ones we like and ones we want to change.
Good or bad, the choice is ours.
The choice is ours on what we do next. If we want to change a habit we can. The power to do something different is ours. The question is, do you want to change? Are you willing to practice? Are you willing to practice for as long as it takes until you form a new habit?
My viewpoint: Why do we doubt ourselves?
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Self-doubt can happen to anyone at any time. It doesn’t discriminate. It can, seemingly, appear out of the blue. Or, it can be a slow burn that builds over time. But once the seed is planted it can be difficult to remove.
We start to doubt ourselves for several reasons. It might be that we lack confidence. It might be the fear of failure. It might be that we’re scared. It might be that we fear being judged.
Whatever the reason, the result is that you end up holding yourself back. Whether this is not fulfilling your full potential. Or not realising your dreams. Or simply taking a back seat and becoming an observer of your life. But this doesn’t have to be your reality.
My viewpoint: How can we be more courageous?
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Life is about having amazing experiences. Life is about living. Life is about being brave and trying new things, even if you’re scared. It’s also about being your true self and genuinely not being bothered by what others may think or being concerned about how you may be judged.
For this to happen, you need to be courageous. But how?