An Interview with Amanda Lewis: Making tough decisions whilst doing the ‘mummy juggle’

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Life rarely works out the way we planned it and our journey can lead us to have some very different experiences, just like Amanda Lewis. She grew up in Hong Kong, and in the last 5 years, she, together with her husband, has had to make difficult decisions about their son and she’s had to support her husband whilst he’s gone through three operations. And now she’s supporting her husband and their new business Red Dragons Martial Arts. For me, Amanda represents the essence of many mums, which is getting on with things. The difference is Amanda is resilient with a smile.

Inspirational people

To find out more about Red Dragons Martial Arts you can find them on Facebook, YouTube and on their website.

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An Interview with Lloyd Lewis: Anything is possible if you want it

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Is it possible for one person to be a two time world kick boxing champion, science teacher, artist and small business owner? Yes, his name is Lloyd Lewis. To say Lloyd has led a very interesting life is an understatement. He’s overcome challenges, proved people wrong and ultimately taken the steps to realise his dream of starting his own martial arts school and becoming a full time artist. Plus he’s a genuinely nice guy. Hopefully, this interview will inspire you to realise your dreams.

Inspirational people

To find out more about Red Dragons Martial Arts you can find them on Facebook, YouTube and on their website.

To find out more about Lloyd’s Artwork you can find it on Youtube and Facebook

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An Interview with Ann-See Yeoh: Truly living the life she wants

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Ann-See has achieved so much in her life already and there is still more that she wants to do. She’s a real inspiration to not just me but many others. She has this aura about her that transmits calm wherever she is. The focus of this podcast is Ann-See the businesswoman and how she is truly living her best life. 

You can follow Ann-See on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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An Interview with Anna Duckworth: Making a difference that is very personal

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Anna is a very talented lady and she inspires me because her life is filled with the things that she is passionate about. She’s an artist and creates stunning artwork. She’s a life coach and has helped many people, including me, create the life they want. And as if she’s not busy enough, last year she decided to start a PhD focusing on Pulmonary Fibrosis, a disease that is very personal to her family. Take a listen to find out why. 

You can follow Anna on Facebook, Twitter or take a look at her website.

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An Interview with Rin Hamburgh: Proving that anything is possible

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Not only is Rin’s story very inspiring but it is a tale of threes. When her twins were just weeks old, she separated from her partner, she decided to move house and she also started her own business. A daunting situation to be in. But she more than survived and has proved that anything is possible if you want it. 


You can follow Rin on Instagram and find out more about her business on her website and facebook.

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An Interview with Katie Silverthorne: An obstacle doesn’t have to get in your way

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Life often puts obstacles in our way. We can choose to see this as a sign to stop. Or we can keep going and see these obstacles as just part of our unique journey. To say that Katie’s story is inspiring is an understatement. She is proof that any obstacle can be overcome. She’s living with Multiple Sclerosis, something that she is very open about and, something that definitely isn’t stopping her. She’d even say it’s helped with her success.

You can follow Katie on Instagram and find out more about her business on her website and facebook.

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