Seven simple ways to support your friend (who runs a small business)

Did you know that there are 4.5 million small businesses in the UK? 4.5 million businesses that are managed and run by just one person. One person that is responsible for doing everything. That’s a lot of responsibility. That’s a lot of work.
I should know. I am one.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could help and it cost nothing?
Well, you can. Hooray. All it takes is a little of your time. And all from the comfort of your home.
Here are seven ways you could help

Connect with them on Social Media
Nowadays, social media is the main avenue for businesses to be more visible. So go connect. Like and follow small businesses, whether that’s on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest. Or subscribe to their YouTube channel or podcast.
Spread the word
We all know the value of networking. You may not need your friend’s product or service but there may be someone you know who does. So invite your friends and family to like and follow small businesses on social media.
Be an active cheerleader
If you really like what they do, then be their cheerleader. It doesn’t take a lot of effort or time. Liking a post is good. Commenting on a post is great. Sharing a post is awesome. Again this helps with getting their business more visible on social media and in front of potential clients.
Promote their work
When they launch a new product, service or event, then please share it amongst your network. Help them promote their work and reach more potential clients. You don’t need to write a sales pitch. Just share the post or event notice.
Get them into your work
If your work invites experts in to give talks, then consider whether you know someone who could do this and would benefit from this. Maybe a wellbeing coach, a personal trainer or a nutritionist.
Leave them a review
Most businesses have a FREE offer available so that potential clients can try before they buy. It’s a way of experiencing the service or product with minimal commitment. Testing whether you want to work with that business or buy their product.
What is really helpful is if you were to leave a review. Post it on their Facebook page, LinkedIn or Google. Reviews provide future clients with social proof. This helps future clients with their buying decision. If they know others have had a positive experience they’re more likely to buy.
And if you think there are ways to improve the offering then send a friendly note. This type of feedback is so valuable.

Subscribe to their email list
And finally, subscribe to their list. Again, you may not be interested in what they’ve got to sell but you’ll be kept up to date with what’s going on in their business and you never know. In the future you may need them or know someone who does.
And there you go. Seven really simple things you could do to help a small business which doesn’t cost you money and is more valuable than you’ll ever know.
What can you do to help?
If you want to have a taster of what I do then why not sign up to my FREE 30 MINUTE ONLINE COURSE, How to put yourself first in 5 easy steps Just click the link to learn more.
You might also like to read ‘What’s your story?’
Or why not check out my YouTube channel for ‘5 tips to help you make a career change’
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